Heart Shaped Honeycomb Cassettes and Frames


Heart Shaped Honeycomb Cassettes and Frames

We all enjoy the taste of fresh honeycomb.

Full depth Langstroth frames with 16 cassettes. 8 cassettes per side. This is a double sided frame so double the output. These are the width of a standard frame.

Suits 8 or 10 frame supers.

Put cassettes into frame. Bees will fill with honeycomb in a heart shape. Take cassette out and clip on cover. 2 piece. Easy.

Cassettes can be reused.

Or just put frame in hive and later cut out honeycomb.


5 units ( 5 frames, 80 cassettes ) $ 269 delivered.

Available for pick up Forrestfield W.A. $ 49 each. 1 frame , 16 cassettes.


Frame only, 5 frames $ 129 delivered.

Available for pick up Forrestfield W.A. $ 19 each. 1 frame.


Cassettes only, 80 cassettes $ 150 delivered.

Available for pick up Forrestfield W.A. same price.


A guaranteed winner for Valentines Day. I have a few customers that plan ahead to supply restaurants and from the smiles on their faces you know they are doing o.k. $$$$$$$$$